Tombs for the Deads in Vietnamese Culture

For Vietnamese people, a tomb is built three years after exhumation with the help of a sorcerer engage exorcize evil spirits with a talisman. In general, people content themselves with banking the earth to make a mound over the grave.

Vietnam Tombs
Vietnam Tombs

A tomb with good omens (mả kết) is identified at the time of exhumation. If the body in the coffin is intact, or if lianas are entangled there, these are good omens; one must refrain from replacing the wooden coffin with a smaller earth-baked one, immediately fill the grave and bank it up. A sacrifice is offered to the local earth god (thổ thần). When a family meets with repeated misfortunes (accident, theft, disease), they would consult a fortune-teller.

Visit to the ancestors’ tombs
Visit to the ancestors’ tombs

If the latter believes that these misfortunes are due to troubles caused to the coffin, the family must pay a visit to the tombs of parents or grandparents to see whether they are damaged (for example, if the root of a tree perforates the tomb, if the tumulus caves in). Visit the ancestors’ tombs (thăm mộ gia tiên) is carried out on the occasion of Tet in Vietnam, the Pure Clarity (Thanh Minh, 3rd lunar month), a celebration of a marriage, or of mourning in the family. The grave is weeded and incense sticks are offered.

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