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Cambodia Cycling Tours, Biking Trips, Interesting Itineraries with Bikes

Cambodia Cycling Tours aims to take tourists to get a first-hand look at the laid-back charm of ancient sights and discover the historical myths or cultural beauty in Cambodia. The majority of our bicycle routes are off roads and back roads to enjoy a wild ride around picturesque villages and meet the culture of people with broad smiles and warm hospitality. The cycling tours in Cambodia can be a combination of a pleasure drive, a comfortable ride across a landscape of rolling low-lying plains, and a scenic cruise along little-known beaches or mighty rivers.

More than cycling, we are really excited to show you Cambodia’s top sights, pristine natural landscapes, and the easy smiles of the Cambodian people. Do not miss a chance to sample the contrasts of tasty Khmer dishes; from sweet and bitter, to salty and sour. Among numerous great Cambodia Tours to see the country’s beautifully scenic wonders, cycling across Cambodia is both a rewarding and emotional experience.

At Viet Vision Travel, we offer brilliant cycling trips for those who are looking for a lifetime trip for themselves and for cycling clubs. Besides, we can tailor-make your trip to meet all your demands in a secure and safe environment. Our guide and driver with their knowledge, helpfulness, and good humor can make your journey extra special.

Is this Cambodia cycling tour right for me?
Travel Style: Active
Tour Type: biking, trekking adventures all around Cambodia
Service Level: Classic
A combination of comfortable accommodation (simple hotels, guesthouses, and a homestay) for you to choose from; a mix of public and private transport.
Physical Rating: 3 – Average
Trip Type: Families, Single Travelers, Big & Small Groups
Age requirement: Above 12
All travelers under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult during the trips.

Contact us to get a memorable adventure trip of a lifetime.

Tour Route: Siem Reap Arrival-Angkor temples-Floating Village-Beng Mealea-Phnom Koulein-Chi Phat-TaTai-Phnom Penh Departure

Tour Highlights

  • Angkor Wat Temple, sunset at Phnom Bakheng.
  • Ancient temples of Angkor Thom: Bayon, Baphuon.
  • Floating village at Tonle Sap Lake.
  • Hidden gem: Beng Mealea temple.
  • Trekking in Phnom Koulein Mountain.
  • History and nature: Royal Palace, Chi Phat, Tatai.

Tour Route: Arrival Phnom Penh-SihanoukVille-Banteay Srey-Angkor-Siem Reap

Tour Highlights

  • Explore the historical sites of Phnom Penh, including the Royal Palace and National Museum.
  • Cycle through picturesque countryside from Phnom Penh to Kep, passing villages and rice paddies.
  • Ride along the scenic coastal road from Kep to Sihanoukville, enjoying beautiful views of the Gulf of Thailand.
  • Explore the stunning temples of Angkor, including Ta Prohm, Bayon, and the magnificent Angkor Wat.

Tour Route: Angkor Temples - Tonle Sap Lake - Phnom Penh - Kbal Spean - Beng Mealea - Kompong Phluk

Tour Highlights

  • Explore the highlights of Phnom Penh by bike.

  • Transfer to Siem Reap and enjoy a cycling tour through the countryside, taking in the scenic beauty of the area.
  • Cycle to Banteay Srei and Kbal Spean, admiring the intricate carvings of Banteay Srei and exploring the river of a thousand lingas at Kbal Spean.
  • Continue the cycling journey to Beng Mealea, a hidden gem temple.

Tour Route: Siem Reap/Siem Reap

Tour Highlights

  • Arrival in Siem Reap, explore Angkor Wat and enjoy sunset at Phnom Bakheng.
  • Cycle through Angkor Thom, visit Bayon, Ta Prohm, and other main temples.
  • Visit Banteay Srei, a beautifully carved temple, and trek in Phnom Kulen Mountain.
  • Explore Beng Mealea Temple, known for its jungle setting, and visit Ta Promh.
  • Experience the floating village on Tonle Sap Lake and witness the unique lifestyle.
  • Departure from Siem Reap, concluding the tour.

Tour Route: Siem Reap/Siem Reap

Tour Highlights

  • Arrival in Siem Reap, visit Angkor Wat and enjoy the sunset at Phnom Bakheng.
  • Bike ride through the Angkor Complex, exploring Ta Prohm, Bayon, and other temples.
  • Cycle through the countryside, visiting a silk farm and enjoying a picnic at Baray Teak Tla.
  • Ride to Banteay Srei temple, known for its intricate carvings, and have a riverside picnic lunch.
  • Explore the floating communities and fish farms of Tonle Sap Lake during a boat trip.
  • Free time to explore Siem Reap before departing for the airport.

Tour Route: Siem Reap/Siem Reap

Tour Highlights

  • Arrival in Siem Reap and bike to Angkor Wat, exploring the bas-reliefs and history.
  • Visit Wat Thmei, a former Killing Field during the Khmer Rouge regime.
  • Explore the jungle temple of Ta Prohm and the ancient capital of Angkor Thom.
  • Take a boat excursion to a floating village on Tonle Sap Lake, the largest lake in Southeast Asia.
  • Cycle to the beautiful Banteay Srei Temple, known for its intricate carvings.
  • Depart from Siem Reap, ending the tour with memorable experiences of Angkor's temples.

Tour Route: Siem Reap/Siem Reap

Tour Highlights

  • Arrive in Siem Reap and transfer to the hotel. Cycle to see Angkor Wat from the east entrance.
  • Explore Ta Prohm temple and visit Angkor Thom with Bayon Temple's smiling faces.
  • Enjoy dinner at a local restaurant and overnight in Siem Reap.
  • Bike to Tonle Sap Lake and take a boat excursion to a floating village.
  • Discover the largest lake in Southeast Asia and its unique way of life.
  • Depart from Siem Reap after the tour. Trip ends.

Tour Route: Siem Reap/Siem Reap

Tour Highlights

  • Cycle through the countryside and ancient dam of Angkor to reach Kulen Mountain.
  • Enjoy a refreshing swim at the waterfall and a picnic lunch.
  • Explore Beng Mealea Temple and camp overnight near the temple.
  • Cycle back to Siem Reap along the foot of Kulen Mountain, passing through local villages and farmland.
  • Visit the temple of Chao Srei Vibol and enjoy a local lunch.
  • End the tour in Siem Reap, having experienced a unique biking and camping adventure.

Tour Route: Siem Reap/Siem Reap

Tour Highlights

  • Bike tour to Angkor temples: Ta Prom, Bayon, and Angkor Wat.
  • Scenic cycling through Cambodian countryside.
  • Marvel at the ancient architecture and enduring beauty of Angkor Wat.
  • Explore iconic sites like the Terrace of the Elephant and Thommanom temple.
  • Enjoy a delicious lunch during the tour.
  • Bid farewell to Viet Vision Travel, ending the day with unforgettable temple experiences.

Tour Route: Siem Reap/Siem Reap

Tour Highlights

  • Cycle through the picturesque countryside and charming villages of Siem Reap.
  • Trek to the top of Mount Phnom Kolen and visit attractions such as Preah Angchup, Thousand Linga River, and the Reclining Buddha.
  • Enjoy a refreshing swim in the river and have a relaxing picnic lunch on the riverbank.
  • Experience the beauty of nature and the cultural sites while cycling and trekking.
  • Explore the hidden gems and immerse yourself in the local surroundings.
  • Bid farewell to Viet Vision Travel and look forward to your next adventure.

Destinations for Cambodia Cycling Tours

In Phnom Penh

Royal Palace

This must-visiting place is well-known for its classic Khmer architecture. Under the gilding roofs is the Throne Hall having a 59-meters top where faces of Saint are carved into. Was formerly home to the Royal family, the palace is sparkling with gold-colored chairs, tables, decorations, and gilded statues. Surround by the lush green garden, the Royal Palace shines like a jewel of the city.

Silver Pagoda

A short ride from the Royal Palace is the Silver Pagoda. As the name tells all, the Silver Pagoda has a twinkling overlook by being covered with five tons of high-quality silver. This pagoda is one of few places which succeed in protecting ancient artifacts and items through the destruction of the Khmer Rouge empire. The main attraction is the crystal Emerald Buddha with a gentle smile sitting on the gilded pedestal. Walk inside, the golden Buddha statue is breathtaking adorning over 2000 beautiful sparkling diamonds.

Toul Sleng Genocide Museum

Your Cambodia Cycling tours can be more interesting and a little thrilling with a visit to Toul Sleng Genocide Museum. This high school is turned into a prison and a torture center during the period of the Khmer Rouge. By this time, nearly 20,000 prisoners of different ages and sexes including men, women, and even children were bloody tortured and then killed. Nearby, Choeung Ek was formerly the killing field where the Khmer Rouge purged an average of 100 people per day. Nowadays, Toul Sleng becomes a museum that served as eloquent proof of the cruel crimes of the Pol Pot government.

In Siem Reap

Angkor Wat Temple Complex

Any Cambodia Cycling Tour can be perfect without a visit to the Angkor Wat Temple Complex. Without any dramatic effect, Angkor Wat is considered the most popular site in Cambodia showing in being listed in UNESCO World Heritage and printed on Cambodia's national flag. Angkor Wat is a complex of several temples with a unique architecture built by the skillful hands of the old Khmer. The most popular ones are Angkor Wat, Bayon, Ta Prohm, and Angkor Thom. The Angkor Wat provides a chance to explore the old Khmer culture through several images carved in the sandstone bas-reliefs revealing their daily life along with God. Nearby, the Bayon temple is famous for its design of several faces which are considered as the combination of the face of Buddha and King Jayavarman VII who ordered the building of this temple. Deep inside the tropical jungle is the mysterious Ta Prohm dedicated to the King’s mother. This temple has a natural decoration with huge trees growing out of the roofs protecting various valuable artifacts and jewels such as gold, pearls, and superior silks. Another highlight of the complex is Angkor Thom – the second home built for protecting the King against attack by enemies due to the 8-meters-height wall and an inviolable massive moat surrounding. The temple also has four faces carved into the sandstone surfaces similar to the Bayon Temple.

Phnom Kulen Mountain

Phnom Kulen is a holy land in Cambodia dedicated to the two main religions of this country including Hindus and Buddhists. People come here for its spectacular sights and pilgrimage. The fact that this mountain is the birthplace of the ancient Khmer Empire shows the important position in Cambodians and also brings plenty of valuable archaeological and historical meanings. This religious site attracts visitors for its over 1000 small special carvings under the water carved into the sandstone riverbed. Due to the legend that King Jayavarman II had bathed in the river, the water is considered holy water which carved the bed into solid stone. The river ends with a fresh pool under a wonderful waterfall. Take a dive into the cool water, or sit in a huge stone to relax after a Siem Reap Cycling Tour.

Floating Market

Thanks to the feature of the mangrove ecosystem, Siem Reap has many floating villages. Two of the most popular ones are the Kampong Phluk and Kampong Khleang. Kampong Phluk is not far from the city with lines after lines of stilted houses. The business of almost all villagers is a fishery with the main products being fish and shrimp in the rainy season and farming in the dry season. The other village is Kampong Khleang. It is the furthest one when transferring from Siem Reap, but don’t hesitate, visiting here can be the most wonderful experience in your Cambodia tours. The village is a combination of mangrove and land with stilted, floating houses and buildings. Hop on a tuk-tuk riding along the village to get a glimpse of local’s daily life. Then kayaking to explore the mangrove with the purest experience provided by local’s tourism service.

In Sihanoukville

Beach day

This seaside city is the leading beach resort in Cambodia sitting in the center of a beautiful idyllic peninsula jutting out from the warm water flow of the Thailand Gulf. The beach-lined up by lush green coconut trees standing on the white sand sparkling under the twinkling sunshine. Swimming in the deep blue water or go snorkeling for a completely new experience.

Kai Chay waterfall

The driver along the dirt road, deep inside the jungle is a mysterious breathtaking place that not anyone knows about – the Kbal Chay waterfall. Not only provides fresh cool water for a wonderful swimmer, but the waterfall can also make you mesmerized with its sight of solid huge rocks under a forest of tropical trees surrounding it. Enjoy the sunshine peeking through the leaves jumping on water flowing from high to low creating a stunning overview.

In Chi Phat

Chi Phat is like a huge national park with a combination of river, jungle, and wildlife. Hop on a kayak to admire the spectacular sunshine and enjoy an interesting experience by having a picnic breakfast on the river. Witness plenty of different bird species through a binocular, especially hornbill while listening to the beautiful harmony made by the wind twisting the leaves. Relax in a local bungalow by reading a book and tasting the delicious local meal, or just take a swim in the fresh cool water.

In Ta Tai

A highlight of Cambodia Cycling Tours is a visit to Tatai including Tatai Waterfall and River. The sight is breathtaking with thick tropical jungle plunging down to the riverbank. Taste the completely pure experience while freeing your soul with the serene natural environment surrounding you. Moreover, the Tatai Waterfall is spectacular with the rushing water flowing into the fresh pool below.

Tips and Advice for Cycling Tours in Cambodia

The best time to cycle in Cambodia

Cambodia is a tropical country with four seasons included spring, summer, autumn, and winter. The weather in summer is very hot when the temperature can reach 40°C which makes you a little tired and catch a fever. The best time to visit Cambodia is from October to February when the weather is cool and rarely rain suited for wonderful cycling.

Accommodation for cyclers

You can easily find a local homestay along the road on your schedule at a reasonable or even cheap price. People here are so friendly, every question can be solved immediately right after you asked. They can give you some households and also delicious local-favor meals without any fee.

Cambodian phrases for cyclers

Of course, hopping on any cycling tour to Cambodia you can meet many local people. For convenience, you should learn about some short common sentences. The most common phrases are: “Hello” - “Suostei”, “Thank you” – “Saum around”. But every phrase you should speak with a friendly smile.
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