Toad – The Vietnamese Traditional Medicine

The purple toad

Toad meat is used in traditional medicine to treat childhood illnesses and malnutrition. The liver is quite toxic. The purple toad (cóc tía) is a small toad living in high mountains, with a red tongue and a yellow belly. In the face of danger, it hollows out its back, puffs out its belly, closes its eyes, and stops breathing to scare its adversary.

Toad meat is used in traditional medicine to treat childhood illnesses and malnutrition
Toad meat is used in traditional medicine to treat childhood illnesses and malnutrition

Common sayings: Gan cóc tía (liver of a purple toad): very brave. Con Cóc là cậu ông Trời (the toad is the uncle of Heaven): refers to a legend in which the toad demands that Heaven give rain in time of drought. Con cóc nằm góc bờ ao, lăm le lại muốn đớp sao trên trời (the toad lying in a corner of the pond wants to swallow the stars in the sky): boundless ambition. Cóc vái trời (a toad begging to the sky): the weak appealing in vain to the powerful. Cóc vàng, cóc tía (golden toad, purple toad): a rich miser.