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Cambodia Classic Tours, Classic Cambodia Travel Packages

The Cambodia Classic Tours combine the most scenic highlights, historical and cultural sites, and the coastal strips in Cambodia to be one package. Be romanced by Cambodia’s wonders, the provincial charm and tranquility exuded from the ancient towns and get mesmerized by an impressive array of monumental Angkorian architecture or a variety of French colonial mansions.

Viet Vision Travel delivers unique Cambodia tour packages for exotic vacations of discovering a wealth of history, culture, and the Cambodian spirit. Simply enroll via our website for detailed information listed on the itinerary pages to choose the most appropriate trips. A customized tour that caters to a variety of special interests can be also designed to meet your exact requirements in case you do not find any suitable ready-made tour. Our team takes care of all the concerns, practical details and your safety during your trip to Cambodia.

Cambodia Classic Tours

Cambodia Tour in Depth – 11 Days

Tour Route: Siem Reap – Battambang – Phom Penh – Sihanoukville

Tour Highlights

  • Experience Angkor Wat's mesmerizing sunrise and explore Siem Reap's ancient temples.
  • Discover the enchanting Banteay Srei temple and immerse yourself in the floating village on Tonle Sap Lake.
  • Explore Battambang's provincial museum, Phnom Banon, and enjoy a thrilling ride on the Bamboo train.
  • Journey from Battambang to Phnom Penh, with stops at Udong and Kompong Chhnang.
  • Uncover Phnom Penh's highlights, including the Royal Palace, Tuol Sleng Museum, and the vibrant Russian Market.

Tour Route: Siem Reap / Phnom Penh

Tour Highlights

  • Explore the ancient temples of Angkor in Siem Reap.
  • Visit the floating village of Tonle Sap Lake.
  • Discover the history of the Khmer Rouge in Phnom Penh.
  • Explore the beautiful beaches of Sihanoukville and Kep.
  • Provide a diverse and memorable experience in Cambodia.

Tour Route: Phnom Penh/ Siem Reap

Tour Highlights

  • Visit Toul Sleng Museum, Royal Palace, Silver Pagoda, Wat Phnom, and National Museum in Phnom Penh.
  • Fly to Siem Reap, explore the magnificent Angkor Wat and enjoy sunset at Phnom Bakheng.
  • Discover Angkor Thom, Bayon, Ta Phrom temples, and take a boat trip to Tonle Sap Lake's floating village.
  • Witness the sunrise at Angkor Wat, visit Artisan D’angkor and Angkor Silk Farm, and explore Banteay Srei Temple.

Cambodia Classic Tours

Cambodia Classic Tour – 6 Days

Tour Route: Siem Reap: Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom, Ta Prohm, Bantey Srey, Tonle Sap Lake – Phnom Penh: The Royal Palace Complex, Choeng Ek killing fields, Tuol Sleng genocide Museum

Tour Highlights

  • Arrival in Siem Reap and check-in at the hotel.
  • Explore Angkor Wat temple complex and enjoy a classical Apsara dance performance.
  • Visit Banteay Srei, Cambodia Landmine Museum, and Tonle Sap Lake.
  • Fly to Phnom Penh and visit Wat Phnom, Royal Palace, and Tuol Sleng Museum.
  • Experience a Tuk Tuk ride to Koh Darchh Island and explore a community craft workshop.
  • Departure from Phnom Penh.

Cambodia Classic Tours

Essence of Cambodia – 6 Days

Tour Route: Siem Reap - Angkor Wat - Ta Prohm - Beng Mealea Temple - Banteay Srei Temple - Kampong Phhluk Floating Village - Phnom Penh - Koh Dach Island - Choeung Ek Genocidal Museum

Tour Highlights

  • Explore the magnificent temples of Angkor, including Angkor Wat and Ta Prohm.
  • Visit the lesser-known Beng Mealea Temple and the beautiful Banteay Srei Temple.
  • Cycle to Kampong Phhluk Floating Village and experience the local way of life.
  • Fly to Phnom Penh and visit Koh Dach Island for silk weaving and Choeung Ek Genocidal Museum.
  • Explore the bustling Russian Market and Aeon Mall in Phnom Penh.

Tour Route: Siem Reap / Phnom Penh

Tour Highlights

  • Arrive in Siem Reap and visit West Barry, silk farm, and cultural sites.
  • Explore Angkor Thom and Angkor Wat, including Bayon and Ta Prohm temples.
  • Enjoy a sunset view from Bakheng Mountain or Pre Rup Temple.
  • Travel to Phnom Penh by public bus and visit Royal Palace, Silver Pagoda, and Central Market.
  • Learn about Cambodia's history at Toul Sleng Museum and the Killing Fields.
  • Take a boat cruise on the Mekong River and witness a beautiful sunset.

Cambodia Classic Tours

Angkor Express Tour – 5 Days

Tour Route: Siem Reap-Siem Reap Angkor-Floating Village

Tour Highlights

  • Sunrise at Angkor Wat and visit Banteay Srei.
  • Explore Angkor Thom and the Bayon temple.
  • Experience the floating village on Tonle Sap Lake.
  • Discover the jungle temple of Ta Phrom.
  • Shop at local markets in Siem Reap.
  • Departure from Siem Reap.

Things to do and see in Cambodia Classic Tours

Cambodia is a country hiding plenty of mysteries revealing the classical Cambodian culture, lifestyle, and history. With several attractive sites, a Cambodia tour is suited for every family vacation, holiday, and honeymoon.

In Phnom Penh

Admire the Royal Palace
Although the Royal family does not live here anymore, the Royal Palace still be one of the most popular destinations on any Cambodia or Indochina tour. Famous for its gilded roofs and the featured Khmer architecture, the palace is a sacred site considered a perfect copy of the Bayon tower in the Angkor Wat temple complex. Take a walk around, you can be mesmerizing by the 59-meter-high spectacular Throne Hall.
Visit the stunning Silver Pagoda
The name can say all. The Silver Pagoda is covered by a layer of five tons of silver making it shine twinkly in the sunshine. After being dramatically destroyed by the Khmer Rouge, this pagoda is one of the very few places that still can maintain priceless ancient artifacts and items. Without hyperbole effect, Silver Pagoda is a religious site of jewels due to its highlight crystal Emerald Buddha sculpture sitting on a gilded pedestal, and nearby is a masterpiece of the golden Buddha statue with 2000 diamonds adorned.
Witness the crimes of the Khmer Rouge in the Toul Sleng Genocide Museum If you ever heard about the crimes of the Khmer Rouge, Toul Sleng would be the must-visiting place that can remark your Cambodia Tours. Used to be a peaceful high school, the Khmer Rouge turned this place into a prison where they confined, tortured, and then killed nearly 20,000 prisoners indiscriminately men, women, old men, and even children. That’s not all. The Pol Pot Government show their madness by taking photographs of every single prisoner before and after torture. These photos now become the clearest proofs of the crimes of the cruel Khmer Rouge. The Choeung Ek nearby was the killing field where the Pol Pot government ferociously purged an average of 100 people per day.

In Siem Reap

Angkor Wat – the symbol of Cambodia which is printed on the national flag – is the most popular destination in this religious country. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is the largest religious monument in the world with a variety of temples and pagodas.
Angkor Wat
Has the name of the complex, Angkor Wat Temple is the main attraction following the design of classic Khmer architecture. The old Khmer skillfully turned sandstone into a manmade durable masterpiece. You can get a glimpse of Khmer culture through various images carved on the bas-reliefs of the temple showing their daily life under the pictures of God and Saints who were blessing them with health, wealth, and luck.
strong>Bayon Temple<
The temple is home to 54 towers where over 200 faces are carved into the stone surface. Be built during the period ruled by King Jayavarman VII, these faces are the portrait combined of him and the Buddha. Following Khmer architecture, the temple is divided into 3 levels with different shapes, the two first is rectangular and the third is circular.
Ta Prohm
Hiding in the jungle is the Ta Prohm surrounded by trees growing out of the roofs that put a scene from India Jones into real life. Different from the Bayon Temple following the image of King Jayavarman VII, this picturesque site is dedicated to his mother and also showed the power of nature. Was formerly a storage of precious items such as gold, pearls, and superior silks, the temple had a long time been forgotten after the fall of the Khmer empire. However, Ta Prohm now is maintained by local people and become one of the most sacred sites in Cambodia.
Angkor Thom
Has the name of the old capital in the Khmer empire, Angkor Thom temple is the alternative home built for King Jayavarman VII in case of the first one is attacked by enemies. That is the reason why this temple is nearly inviolable with a wall of 8 meters in height and a massive moat surrounding it. The design is the same as the Bayon temple with four huge faces in four different directions. Another main highlight is the causeway showing over 100 statues which are gods and demons telling about the Hindu legend of “The Churning of the Ocean of Milk”.

In Sihanoukville

Beach vacation
Sihanoukville is a perfect tropical paradise that suits every vacation, holiday, and honeymoon. With many facilities, a few days to enjoy the beach is worth a visit to Cambodia. Take a swim in the fresh clean water, then go snorkeling to real-touch with fishes and other sea animals. If you just want a serene vacation, enjoy the stunning sunshine by lazily lying on the long beautiful sandy beach. On Bamboo Island, enjoy a savory BBQ meal with freshly caught seafood.
Ecotour in Ream National Park Come to this National Park, you can get a glimpse of the mangrove ecosystem including jungle, rivers, and lush tropical islands. Don’t be too surprised if you hear the voices of birds all the time. This place is home to plenty of species such as birds, sun bears, monkeys, fishing cats on the land, turtles, dolphins, and even dugongs known as the mermaid in the ocean. Trekking along the park and finally stop at the sand beach to enjoy the beautiful sunset.
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