We have no intention of jumping on the gender analysis bandwagon. Numerous evaluations and studies are available to those who would like hard data and detailed interpretation...
We have no intention of jumping on the gender analysis bandwagon. Numerous evaluations and studies are available to those who would like hard data and detailed interpretation. Broadly - very broadly - speaking, the Western model of gender equality has few followers in Vietnam, although Vietnamese…women are as numerous (if not more) in the business and political arena as they are in most developed countries. All Vietnamese are proud to mention that their constitution guarantees equal status to both sexes; however, separate gender roles for men and women, a legacy of Confucian teachings, are still very much ingrained.

The older generations are keen to mention the major part played by Vietnamese women in the nation's history: their key role in the wars, their presence at higher management levels of large state-owned or private enterprises, their important role in family-based businesses, etc. Younger generations, especially the city dwellers, are discovering the challenge of balancing their family ambitions with their professional ones, their traditional Vietnamese ideas on feminism with the trendier worldwide ones. DO discuss with old and young alike to discover their attitudes and perceptions on gender roles. Most Vietnamese love to discuss this subject...seriously or jokingly...but they will resent condescending or 'colonialist' attitudes. DON'T judge what you cannot yet understand. As always, respect is the key word here.