Festival of His Royal Highness Whale – Tien Giang

Festival of His Royal Highness Whale in Tien Giang

Vam Lang village (Kien Phuoc, Go Cong) worships a whale given the title “Great Royal Highness of the South Sea” (Nam Hai dai vuong) by King Gia Long (1802-1820). The festival begins at midnight on the 15th day of the 6th lunar month. After monks deliver the prayers, votive papers are burned and sugar offerings (cakes) are distributed among the children. At one o’clock in the morning, the village authorities accompanied by singers and an orchestra board a beautiful sampan where has been set up an altar loaded with offerings of food. The sampan travels from Vam Lang canal to the mouth of the Soi Rap river to celebrate the welcoming ceremony of His Highness (le Nghenh Ong).

Festival of His Royal Highness Whale in Tien Giang
Festival of His Royal Highness Whale in Tien Giang

Fishermen hang lanterns on their boats, and inhabitants erect altars everywhere. Row boats reach the temple amid the sounds of firecrackers and applause. The incense burner of the temple is solemnly returned to its place as officials take turns performing the ceremony. People believe that a whale appears from offshore; if it spouts water, it is a good omen for the village.

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