Binh Da Firecracker Festival (Hoi Phao Binh Da) – Hanoi

Binh Da Firecracker Festival

Binh Da village (Thanh Oai. formerly Ha Dong) has specialized in the production of all kinds of firecrackers for a very long time. Its festival takes place on the 6th day of the 3rd lunar month. Families and hamlets begin preparing on the 3rd day of the month. At 8 o’clock on the evening of the 5th day, when the procession in honour of the tutelary genie arrives at the door of the inner communal house, all the firecrackers are exploded at the same time in the yard and around the communal pond. On the evening of the 5th day, fireworks are set off representing various events: ploughing, martial arts, and traditional wrestling. On the 6th day, water-fern crackers (phao beo) and mouse crackers (phao chuot) are set off on the lotus pond in front of the inner communal house. In the afternoon, various firecrackers are set off and at night, people light multi-storeyed firecrackers hanging from the top of a 12-metre bamboo pole. The last storey is comprised of 16 large crackers that explode simultaneously (phao nhat thanh).

Binh Da Firecracker Festival
Fireworks at Binh Da Firecracker Festival
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