Top 6 Weird Vietnamese Dishes Make Foreigners Shudder & Delectable

One of the biggest reasons making foreign tourists want to visit Vietnam is its amazing traditional gastronomy. Your Vietnam vacation will be much more interesting with mouthwatering Vietnam cuisine. Apart from a ton of famous dishes like “Pho” or “Banh mi”, visitors will definitely shudder when they see some of the following indigenous foods. Let’s explore the nightmare list of Vietnamese foods in Vietnam with Viet Vision Travel. Enjoy reading!

Top 3 Weirdest Vietnamese Dishes

Clam Worm - Exotic Vietnamese Food

You may feel care when you see these clam worms, but you will feel excited when tasting Vietnamese grilled clam worms (Cha ruoi). Considered a source of nutritious and valuable food, Ruoi is effective to improve the eaters’ health. These worms look like disgusting leeches or centipedes, but their taste is totally different. From Ruoi, Vietnamese cook can make many tasty dishes from Ruoi ball, Ruoi sauce, Ruoi rolls to Ruoi cook with brine and Ruoi fried with bamboo sprouts or turnips. If you are in Hanoi, do not miss a chance to taste Cha ruoi, one of the most famous specialties of the capital. To make Cha ruoi, locals will combine the clam worms with some simple ingredients like eggs, spring onion, mandarin zest, and fry it up. Note that, because clam worms only appear seasonally, take your Hanoi tours during the time from the end of September to the beginning of October if you want to taste this delicacy.

Clam worm weird foods in vietnam

Larvae Coconut Worm - One of the Weirdest Foods in Vietnam

Like other countries in Southeast Asia, Vietnam also uses insects in cooking. The creepy dish includes flaccid moving worms which are put in a small bowl of fish sauce with some slices of spicy chili. People after trying it out share that the larva tastes like egg york based on the distinctive softness and richness. Give it a shot, why not?

Larvae coconut worm weird vietnamese dishes

Balut Eggs - Weird Dishes to Try in Vietnam

Listed in the “10 best horror foods on the planet”, balut is one of the favorite snacks of Vietnamese people. The eggs can be duck eggs, chicken eggs, or even quail eggs. You can easily see this dish sold at every street corner in Vietnam. People think that balut egg is very nutritious and especially good for men. You cannot taste this horror dish if you are so sensitive to the embryos inside the egg. Balut egg is often served with spices, ginger, and Vietnamese coriander.

Balut eggs exotic vietnamese dishes

Top 3 Exotic Vietnamese Foods

Snake Meat

Because Vietnam is a tropical country, it is home to a variety of reptiles and snakes. However, people only use some types of snakes in cooking including eating cobra snakes, kraits snakes, and grass-snakes. People also use snake meat to make alcohol. Snake meat is not only nutritious food but also an effective treatment for many diseases related to bones and joints, fatigue, and toxic treatment.

Snake Meat weird foods in vietnam

Blood Soup - Tiet Canh

The journey of food nightmares will continue with the blood soup made from the raw blood of pigs, ducks, chickens, and even lobsters. Listed in the top 10 best horror food on the planet, blood soup can be knocked down by the most discerning eaters on the first try. You will absolutely startle when thinking of the red slimy substance run down your throat. However, it is very popular in Vietnam for two main reasons. The first one is that Tiet Canh is highly nutritious because the pig’s blood contains more protein than its meat and even beef. The second reason is it achieves a desirable criterion of a must-try dish: it‘s extremely appetizing. To protect your health, you should choose a reputable restaurant to taste this thing.

Blood Soup - Tiet Canh

Nymphs - Nhong

Nymphs will end this list of horror Vietnamese food lists. Nymph is the favorite food of many people because it contains lots of nutritious protein. It has a similar appearance to the worm. Foreigners will be surprised when seeing this dish because it is never on the menu in their countries.

Nymphs Vietnamese weird foods

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