The Ho Chi Minh Trail

Ho Chi Minh Trail

What was called Duong Truong Son or the Ho Chi Minh Trail was actually a vast network of roads, trails, and footpaths, changing course with seasons, bombing and the progress of hostilities…
What was called Duong Truong Son or the Ho Chi Minh Trail was actually a vast network of roads, trails, and footpaths, changing course with seasons, bombing and the progress of hostilities. It was used by the revolutionary forces as a supply route for their troops and arms to reach the South. It ran parallel to Vietnam’s coastline, high up in the Truong Son Mountains and also detoured widely through Laos and Cambodia. Tens of thousands of Vietnamese soldiers lost their lives building, defending or using this vital supply route. Currently, a new highway is under construction. It will link the entire country roughly along the same route as the historic war trail. Sections of the original trail can still be traveled mostly from the DMZ or from the Central Highlands.

ho chi minh trail

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