Weighing Good and Evil Actions (Cân Phúc, Cân Tội)

Bodhisattva King (Diem Vuong)

Weighing Good and Evil Actions (Cân Phúc, Cân Tội). Buddhists believe that at burial, the demon Vô Thường takes away the soul of the deceased and brings it to the first King of Hell or the Bodhisattva King (Diêm vương Tân Quảng Vương), who verifies his or her name in the Record of Destinies. If it is written that the person has not finished the term of his or her life, the soul is led hack to earth and returned to the body. However, if the time of death has come, Diêm Vương balances the good and evil actions the person performed while alive on a set of scales. Those who have only records of good actions will go to paradise. Those who have done more good than evil will be reborn into an existence proportionate to the good deeds they have performed If the good deeds are not enough to tip the balance in his of her favor, the deceased will also be reborn but into a more unfortunate fate.

Bodhisattva King (Diem Vuong)
Bodhisattva King (Diem Vuong)


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