No Need to be Shy

No Need to be Shy

After reading guidebooks on other Asian Countries like Thailand or China, travelers enter Vietnamese temples with apprehension. What should we do or not do? What are these Customs about not touching the…
After reading guidebooks on other Asian Countries like Thailand or China, travelers enter Vietnam temples with apprehension. What should we do or not do? What are these Customs about not touching the head of children and not pointing the feet? Well, relax. You will find Vietnamese much more pragmatic and lenient in their daily life…including their conduct at temples and pagodas. But first, a few obvious no-nos. DON’T go to temples dressed as if you just walked off the beach. There is no special dress code other than to avoid obviously disrespectful attire: swimsuits, skimpy or torn T-shirts, head-turning shorts or low-cut blouses. Don’t keep your shoes on if everyone else is taking them off Rules vary from one temple to the next, just check for the presence of shoes and sandals on the front porch.

No Need to be Shy
DON’T go to temples dressed as if you just walked off the beach
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