Fable: The Drongo and The Crow

the drongo and the crow

Formerly, on the communal register of the world of birds, the crow occupied the rank of notable, whilst the drongo was at the bottom of the list, humble worker as he was…
Formerly, on the communal register of the world of birds, the crow occupied the rank of notable, whilst the drongo was at the bottom of the list, humble worker as he was.

One day from his high authority the crow requisitioned the drongo for the road gang. The poor thing was soon harnessed to the task. Profiting from his absence, the crow shamelessly entered his house, devoured a dozen eggs and returned.

The drongo on his return stated his misfortune and wept copious bird tears. A blackbird who was passing asked:
“Why do you weep like that…”

“Alas! I was with the road gang and a thief came and stole all my eggs.”
“I only saw Mr. Crow going into your nest.”

‘It must be him’, thought our tiny bird. ‘He is one of those who exploit us and with whom it is not good to live.” He politely asked the notable to leave the community.
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Since that day the drongo has made its nest at the top of the highest trees and never goes far from the nest when the babies are close to hatching.