Fable: The Mayfly and The Glowworm


The Mayfly can see so little that he can never see at night. One day he asked the glow-worm:
“That is this green glimmer under your abdomen?”

“My lamp” replied the other. “Without it how could I find something to eat during the night when the sun has set?”

“The sun sets?”

“That’s right.”

“You’re joking! The sun sets? It’s against reason! Half my life has passed already and the sun still burns very high on our heads.”

So saying, the Mayfly went away, annoyed and sure of his statement. The glow-worm wanted to follow him to prove to him his good faith and get him to listen to reason, but on reflection he said:
“How could he understand, since no Mayfly could live until the sunset?”
The Mayfly can see so little that he can never see at night. One day he asked the glow-worm