Tag: Vietnam Overview

Introductions of The Northern Highlands in Vietnam

The far north is where the rubber meets the road for hardcore adventure junkies. If you were born to be wild, take your own Minsk motorbike; if you weren’t, go with a jeep and driver. This site is broken into two…

The Best Time to Visit Vietnam

Think Vietnam and you might imagine a steamy jungle and hot sun and you’d be mostly right. But even though Vietnam is tropical, you’ll find a real range, from chilly mountaintops and cool highland areas to sun-drenched coastline and, yes,…

Who are Vietnamese ?

Over 90% of Vietnamese people are Viet, or Kinh, people, descendants of the indigenous race, but with the many violent and migratory incursions over the centuries, as well as the southward expansion of Vietnamese territory into Cambodia, modern Vietnamese are…